The Consciousness
of the Five Elements

An Advanced Course with Grand Master Nan Lu

 Launching February 22, 2025 | Earn Continuing Education Credits


There’s a greater consciousness pattern guiding the human experience—a wisdom ancient masters understood for thousands of years. Yet, as modern life evolved, we shifted from connection and flow to uncertainty. This narrowed our mind-body-spirit potential and created a disconnect from natural law.

Desperate for answers, many are turning back to ancient traditions of natural healing. Yet, this area is often clouded by misinformation and superficial applications. For three decades, I have been immersed in studying the Five Elements, Yin-Yang theory, and meridian principles, applying this ancient wisdom to help patients and students reach their true healing potential. My focus goes beyond surface-level practices, guiding individuals toward genuine transformation by aligning with the natural laws of the body and the Universe.

— Grand Master Nan Lu

What You Will Learn From My Advanced Course

Using the consciousness of the Five Elements, I will lead you through many different angles to see why and how illness or recurring patterns occur in life.

Complex Layers of the Five Elements

Discover why consciousness is the most important ingredient to access the wisdom of Five Elements for sustainable life shifts. 

Root Cause

Begin to apply the Five Elements to identify and address root causes that may limit your health, personal growth, or professional success.

Apply Consciousness Principles

Deepen your understanding of the Five Elements and integrate its wisdom to bring greater meaning and balance to your life. 

What's Included

Live Calls with Grand Master Nan Lu

Starting February 22 until June Grand Master Nan Lu will host six 60-minute live virtual discussion events on Zoom, where participants can engage in a question-and-answer session about the course material or their personal journeys. Recordings will be available.

Course Platform 
with Video Modules

This course is structured in user-friendly modules within a platform that allows you to complete resources and progress at your own pace. Included timestamps highlight key points to prepare you for various live events.


This course includes a private discussion community designed to spark your creativity with prompts, as well as offer chances to ask questions and share your experiences.

Course Access

You will have access to all course materials and the Learning Community for 18 months, beginning on the date of your registration. This allows ample opportunity to enhance your understanding, revisit the resources, and engage with others in community discussions.

Elevate your understanding of this ancient framework.

Move beyond theory. Explore the higher dimensions of essence, frequency, and consciousness. Learn to observe how your inner world shapes your outer reality, and use the Five Elements to bring this connection into conscious awareness.

Continuing Education Credits

Earn valuable credits as you expand your professional skills.

Continuing education credits applied for and pending for this course through our partnership with University of Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biosciences, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), and the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Credit categories include: AMA PRA Category 1 CMEs for MDs and other western healthcare practitioners, PDAs for acupuncturists, and CEs for certified health and wellness coaches.

18 NCCAOM PDAs, AMA Level 1 PRA CMEs Pending, National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching  Pending.

Since childhood, my life has been influenced by ancient teachings and the martial arts. My exploration into traditional Chinese medicine started over thirty years ago when I began my clinical practice. I was fortunate to meet a gifted master with remarkable talents who guided me to discover a depth of wisdom beyond any techniques I had known. Today, that passion remains as strong as ever and I continue to discover the innate power of the Five Element Consciousness Framework, which aligns beautifully with modern science at its deepest level. 
As a spiritual teacher, Wu Ming Qigong master, and doctor of Chinese medicine, I teach Qigong practices and guide patients to transform their lives, recognizing the role of consciousness in addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. I now look forward to guiding you on this powerful path toward Universal Oneness.
— Grand Master Nan Lu

Founding Director and President
Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation (

Course Features

60+ Self-Paced Learning Modules

11+ hours of
Video Content

Course Guidebook

5 Elements Chart Download (PDF)

Live Q&A Sessions with Master Lu

Continuing Education Credits

 Course Discussion

Invites to Retreats & Events by Master Lu

Access to Live Recordings

Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for a wide range of individuals who share an interest in health and natural healing. It is open to anyone with a basic understanding of the Five Elements. Participants may include medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, health coaches, teachers, and other individuals with a desire to explore an expanded view of natural healing.

“Master Lu is a rare and gifted teacher. He shows his students exactly how mind, body and spirit are connected by Qi. He has shown me how to use Qigong along with key principles of Chinese Medicine to experience profound self-healing. As a psychologist long interested in energy work,  I’ve applied his teachings to help my clients open up their intuition, creativity, and healing gifts.”

— Larry Stoler, PhD
Past President, The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

 “Never have I had a teacher who has been so easily able to take all of the aspects of health—mental, physical, diet, exercise, genetics—and unite them under one simple philosophy. Instead of reciting the same memorized facts to patients, I am able to bring a new perspective that allows them to see their health differently and to completely change their lives.”

— Joseph Kessler, MD
Family Practice Physician and Medical Qigong Practitioner

 “From my very first encounter with Grand Master Lu six years ago, I knew that I had found an authentic master teacher. His profound teachings and my immersion in Wu Ming Qigong have taken me far beyond my education as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and have propelled my personal spiritual journey, resulting in a balanced life and a thriving practice. This is a path of transformation at the highest level.”

— Judith Gibson
MSOM, Dipl Ac, LAc

Licensed Acupuncturist

Register for the Course

Live calls begin on Feb 22, 9:30 am ET, and every other Saturday until May 3rd.

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“My beloved teacher Grand Master Lu has transformed my life and so many others within his own evolution as teacher/practitioner. The convergence of Wu Ming Qigong practices with understanding the body’s potential for true balance within the Five Element Consciousness Framework has led to profound lifelong shifts.”

— Deborah Hallahan
Business Owner, Dragon's Way Qigong® Instructor, and 
Medical Qigong Practitioner

 “Many years ago, as a patient, I was encouraged by Master Lu to look beyond “common” knowledge and see the bigger picture. At the time, I didn’t understand what that meant, but something about it intrigued me, and I trusted the path. Under Master Lu’s guidance, I began to see human life as a reflection of the greater cosmos—a profound concept that continues to unfold and shape my reality.

This journey required dedication on my part, but the true gift was having a master who recognized potential in me and has continued to guide me, even now, 23 years later. My advice? Don’t wait. When you find something that resonates deeply with you, take the leap—hold your nose and jump in!”

— Elaine Katen, Director
Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation

 “Once I understood the truth behind Grand Master Lu's programs, I was able to stop seven medications, transform 20 lbs of excess weight to useful energy for my life, and change professions. His unique approach gives me permission to digest and apply Natural Laws to my life at my own pace - and with pure joy.”

— Jenny Merdinger
Dragon's Way Qigong® Instructor and Medical Qigong Practitioner


 “I’ve been blessed to study with Grand Master Lu. His guidance has transformed my awareness, energy levels, and self-healing abilities, leading to overall growth in my life. He has a unique gift for delivering ancient wisdom into the modern day while cutting through the unnecessary to deliver focused results in one's life. His teachings will absolutely transform your life if you are willing to apply.”

— Cheryl Hills
Creative Director, Dragon's Way Qigong® Instructor, Medical Qigong Practitioner

 “Master Lu is an exceptional teacher and healer whose deep knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Qigong and the healing arts has profoundly impacted countless lives including my own. His intuitive guidance and clear, accessible teachings have helped me restore balance in my life and health. One of his fundamental teachings that everything is connected allows us to see that you cannot separate body, mind and spirit. I am incredibly grateful for his wisdom and to be able to help others apply these principles to spark their own healing potential.”

— Marie Yuann, LAc
Dragon’s Way Qigong® Instructor, Medical Qigong Practitioner

 “When I began studying many years ago with Grand Master Lu, a more profound understanding of self care and health began to blossom in me. Applying TCM principles to my daily life along with a robust Qigong practice provides a roadmap to achieve my physical, emotional, and spiritual health goals. Grandmaster Lu’s work promotes greater health for me, as well as family, friends, and anyone my life touches.”

— Beth Anesi
Teacher, Dragon's Way Qigong® Instructor

Frequently Asked Questions